Perrigo, a multinational healthcare corporation listed on the S&P 400, formerly active in Israel, focuses on a wide array of pharmaceutical formulations. In order to comply with sewage regulations, Perrigo required effective industrial wastewater treatment before discharging it into the municipal sewage system.
Treatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater Utilizing MBBR Technology
Overview: Perrigo, a multinational healthcare corporation listed on the S&P 400, formerly active in Israel, focuses on a wide array of pharmaceutical formulations. In order to comply with sewage regulations, Perrigo required effective industrial wastewater treatment before discharging it into the municipal sewage system. Addressing these challenges involved:
BlueGen Water Solution: The wastewater treatment plant integrated vital components, including an equalization tank, preliminary screen, two-stage MBBR, DAF, and an efficient sludge handling system. To mitigate odors, an air emissions treatment system was implemented during the 8-month construction period, involving tank production, biological reactor installation, Aqwise Technologies biomass carrier introduction, and system commissioning.
Utilization of exclusive fine-bubble diffusers by Aqwise Technologies resulted in significant operational cost reduction.
AGAR® MBBR & DAF achieved over 80% COD reduction within 3 weeks of startup, maintaining stability for 3 years.
The rapid implementation of AGAR® MBBR technology enabled compliance with new discharge regulations.
The system exhibited adaptability to varying inlet compositions and concentrations, proving stability against toxic compounds and hydraulic shock.